Inventarytation of Medicinal Plants in Leang-Leang Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency


  • Rahma Iriani Author
  • Asni Amin Author
  • Rizqi Nur Azizah Moslem University of Indonesia Author



Medicinal Plants, Leang Leang Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency


This study aimed to obtain data, information, and an inventory of medicinal plant species used by the community in Leang-Leang Village. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were completed through questionnaires and interviews with 96 Leang- Leang Village respondents. The results reported 43 types of medicinal plants comprising 31 families utilized by the people of Leang-Leang Village to maintain health and treat 24 types of certain diseases. The people of Leang-Leang Village utilized the medicinal plants through the leaves, stems, rhizomes, tubers, roots, sap, fruit, and flowers, with the highest percentage of 78% on the leaves, for instance: guava leaves, soursop leaves, miana leaves, and other types of leaves. The most commonly used method of processing medicinal plants was by boiling, with a percentage of 69%. Besides, it was drunk as the most common way of consumption, with a rate of 77%.


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How to Cite

Iriani, R., Amin, A. ., & Nur Azizah, R. (2024). Inventarytation of Medicinal Plants in Leang-Leang Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency. Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Sciences, 1(1), 7-24.

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